In-House Massage Therapy Now Available

Treat yourself to better health! There are many benefits of massage therapy. Different massage methods are utilized by the massage therapist to achieve client goals. Call our office today to schedule an In-House Massage with Liz.  724-834-5600
Gift certificates are available for massage and all other services at the office!
May be an image of text that says 'Benefits of Massage Therapy •Relieve stress and anxiety ·Promoterelaxation .Manage back and neck pain •Relieve tension headaches •Reduce muscle tension •Enhance exercise performance .Better sleep •Help fibromy algia pain Improve cardiov vascular health Ease symptoms of depression ALIGN CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS CENTER Callour our offue schedede today! offering inhouse massage therapy withLiz!'

30 Minutes of Daily Walking

Did you know that walking a minimum of 30 minutes a day can provide these benefits? If you have any aches and pains while walking or afterwards, let us know on your next visit!

We can assess for gait imbalances that may be contributing to your pain and holding you back from enjoying your walk.

Rounded Upper Back or Hunchback

Having a rounded upper back or hunchback can not only be embarrassing, it can be painful and lead to chronic symptoms.

Proper alignment through chiropractic adjustments and activation of the muscles in the upper thoracic and cervical spine can help reduce an already established hunchback or prevent one from happening altogether!